Romanesque style

A lot of Romanesque art and architecture can be found in the Huesca province.

In the 11th century the small but valiant king of Aragón heard of the Romanesque style that invaded the Spanish peninsula from the east.
In Jaca (Huesca) his cathedral was founded, which later on became one of the first places of Romanesque pilgrimage in Spain. Thus it became the cradle of Romanesque architecture and sculpture in the northern part of the peninsula.
This led to the building of hundreds of Romanesque churches and cloisters in the Huesca province, Jacetania, Sobrarbe, Ribagorza and Somontano. Monastery Obarra

The Romanesque influence also reached an area called the Five Valleys north of Zaragoza. Because of this well-known Romanesque/Spanish names like Jaca, Loarre, San Juan de la Peña, Ágüero, Roda de Isábena, Obarra, Siresa, Uncastillo, Sos del Rey Católico etc. are found here.

The architecture, sculpture and painting go hand in hand with the beautiful mounainous landscape of the Pyrenees and pre-pyrenees; one of the major routes of the camino de Santiago runs through the Pyrenees, from Somport in France via Jaca to Navarra (Pamplona).

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